All posts by Suz

I was a Project Manager and writer for many years. I have had a passion for animal and human welfare, natural health and beauty and was laid off my corporate job this year, allowing me to go from a time famine to being able to start this blog and potentially inspire and help others on their journey to living their best holistic life.

Sticks & Stones – Kindness


Sticks and stones may break my bones but words may also hurt me.  Most everyone has an abuse story and the problem spans the socio-economic stratosphere.  I grew up upper middle class.  We bought cars and houses and boats without loans. Now with two mortgages and a car payment, I am still in awe of this.  We had good clothes, a fine home, yummy home-cooked meals and loved each other.  This is me, my mother Frances and my brother Carl enjoying brunch at my home.

My mother was sick.  She was bi-polar and never got the help she desperately needed. As my late brother Carl put it, she was full of high demands and my brother John talked about how self-indulgent she was.  She poisoned everybody close to her, losing long-term friends who got too close to the flame.  I was adopted when my two brothers were about 12 years old, after wanting and trying for a girl baby and ending up with two adorable boys.  My two brothers and later me, all rode the roller coaster of her moods and insane put-downs and punishments. When she was upbeat, she was high on a cloud of joy, full of humour and charm and would sweep you up and along to enjoy the view from high above.  When she was up we went shopping for clothes.  Shopping was mothers happy place.  That and eating.  When she was up, things were very good.  When she was down, she was taking you by the arm and dragging you through the hellfire with her.  One thing wrong, or even perceived as wrong, and I went to school with purple, orange and red buttocks and hamstrings and a few times with her handprint across my face.  As horrifically as her hands and fists and belts could be, her words were far worse.  She deliberately kept me off keel, never knowing if I was pretty, smart, funny, nothing was ever solidly communicated because what she felt about me, and any ability I may have had changed on a minute by minute basis.  Straight answers to my questions never came forth.  The only message that I was completely and consistently told, however, was that whatever it was I wanted to do, sing, dance, play the piano, gymnastics, track, cheerleading, there was, to be quite sure, someone a lot better than me at it.  And this message is absorbed into my core being today.
What someone thinks of you can matter as much as they mean to you.  A stranger gruffly telling you to bugger off may hurt you or just blow on by depending upon the mood you happen to be in as well as your particular personality.  Someone you rely upon and deeply admire or love saying something hurtful, however,  can be an icepick through the heart no matter how stout you are emotionally.

The story growing up as a young teen (between 12-18) was that I was a handful.  In reality, all I wanted was peace.  I did no drugs, no sex, no teen pregnancies, straight-A student, physically fit, pretty and my room was always spotless. I respected my elders very much but to my mind, mother was a handful and I was so tired of it.  I couldn’t keep dates.  Guys were flat scared off by my mother.  Relationships typically ended by the 3rd date. You could set a clock. They all said the same thing.  One break up ensued after a classic chase down of the car as we sped away on our date.  My guy stared in shock into his rearview mirror and exclaimed ‘Is that your mother chasing our car?’  Embarrassing.  I knew we’d have dinner and then that would be it for us.  On a humorous note, when I married Michael, he explained to his family that I was not blood-related, having been adopted, so, therefore, did not have the ‘crazy’ gene.  Anyone meeting my mother for the first time, was schooled on this in advance in hopes they just might stick around long enough I could see whether we were a good fit or not.
One particular late afternoon, just ahead of dinner, mother was off the rails when father came home.  Dad was typically kind and balanced, metering out his few punishments with solid judgement.

I was blamed for her upset that day as she spewed venom about my severe disobedience and how she could no longer handle me so she was demanding that my father DO SOMETHING!   I found myself in the kitchen, ostensibly to help set the table as mother had asked and was immediately yanked up by my hair and swung around the room like a lasso all over the kitchen.  I hit walls, I hit the floor, I hung mid-air for minutes at a time as my father glared at me and held me a foot or so off the ground by my ponytail with one arm.  I remember the look on mothers’ face as I finally let go a urine stream in sheer fright.  Only then did she realize what her words caused, but still couldn’t see the benefit to getting some help!  I am surprised that most of my roots held up to all of that. This hair-raising incident happened exactly twice.  Years of mothers tirades had finally broken my dad down.  I could not WAIT to get out of that house! No, there is no excuse for what he did to me but the point is that we all can instigate with our words.   Words create or destroy. And the more we love the ones who harm us, the more soul-wrecking the abuse actually is.  Nobody discussed the elephant in the room after those two incidents with my dad and other than those two episodes, he was a great solid guy and the one I confided in because mother was bats and I needed help coping.  He would tell me how she did this similar behaviour to the boys but never as badly as she treated me.  He had no answer to make it stop.  When I was about 14, things were so rough. Every day I awoke and put on waterproof mascara because I knew at some point that day, mother would make me cry.  She would twist my words, make things up, accuse me of things I never did and mete out punishment accordingly. I could not even escape into a nice teen conversation with a friend, she would scream that I was talking about her.   Once when I was on the phone chatting,  she came to my room demanding I stop talking about her (I wasn’t) and proceeded to mangle my hamburger then my fries, with her hands, making them inedible for me.  I threw my milkshake at her.  Yes, I was the bad child.  But it was worth going hungry to take a small stand.  It was during that year I went to school and finally talked to someone about my home situation.  I asked if I could be placed in a new home just to finish out school because this was all too emotionally toiling for me.  I had contemplated suicide. When we all sat together at the school with my dad, he was devastated.  I really did not mean this as a personal affront to him or her, I just wanted to finish school and gain some peace.  With him so visibly upset, I caved and remained at the house.  Mother railed about divorcing him, she wasn’t happy.  She was never happy.  And shortly thereafter, dad was diagnosed with Cancer.   She stayed and took care of him. Being a homemaker all this time, she ended up getting a job at a hospital when my dad could no longer run his service station.  He died as I turned 18.

What happens in childhood never stays in childhood.  What happens in the office never stays just in the office. This crap follows you throughout your life.  Each of us is here for reasons that only we can fulfil and that only we can fulfil in our particular way.  Each of us is a unique creation.  We must be careful with our words because once uttered, they simply cannot ever be taken back.  Thoughts are energy and words are the form of them.  Have you ever thought about someone and then they called?  Thoughts are serious business.  Words can be so empowering or a waste of breath or just utterly slay someone.  Your karma.

I deal with my abuse daily.  I work through it, building myself up as I have been trained to do.  Forgiveness, and people, we must forgive, is of course possible.  Forgetting that the cruelties ever happened is not likely.  Mitigating the damage from them is ongoing.

I share my story here, and for the very first time, in hopes of helping anyone suffering from abuse.  It is never your fault, no matter how much of a ‘handful’ you may be.  But do seek help to salve your emotional wounds and become whole because the world needs you to fulfil your purposes as only you can and you must be well and happy to do that.  Also, it’s ok to love the toxic person in your life, but whether your toxic person is family or a friend, it is completely up to you, once grown and in control, whether you allow the abusive person to continue to play a role in your life and exactly how much of a role they have.  My mother died at 86 just 3 years ago.  We took many breaks from each other because of her toxicity.  From marking my wine bottles, accusing me of being gay when I have dinner with girlfriends, creating 11th-hour emergencies for me to fix, to ostracize my new would be husband, it was so much turmoil in my life.  And I could not fix her.  I got her books, I tried.  I want to point out here that I am not slamming anybody who may be gay. The point here is that I am not and my mother knew this, she was just making up cruel stories to cause harm and stress.  I am not an abuser of alcohol either, but she again made up stories.  Mother was a pot stirrer.  If she loved you, she wasn’t happy until you were miserable. I really wanted to break free but she was my mother.  As I put it to friends, if she were anybody else, she’d be flat gone out of my life.  How do I exit my own mother?  I loved her and just wanted her happy.  Only once she was close to dying did I realize happy would never ever happen here for her.  At one point she got some counselling which honestly helped…until she declared herself well and cured and stopped working at this.  I tried to explain to her that with such long-standing abuse from her family and what she continued with her children, it was actually going to be a lifelong and ongoing healing process for her that benefited not just her but was also such a huge help to anyone around her.  She didn’t believe me.  I tried explaining how she was ruinous to her own and other peoples lives with this behaviour, how I loved her but could no longer tolerate the bad behaviour.  But it was everybody else’s fault, every pain she felt, not once and not ever was it her fault.   People around me used to call her evil.  Frances was never evil.  She adopted me with full intentions of doing things better.  She taught me to be and was always kind to animals.  I came to the house completely fearful of animals,  even cats. I was fearful of everything and everyone. I had no trust, having been bounced around from home to home before I was even 3.   I believe she deeply loved her children.  She was just so damaged that she could not get out from under it. For 40 years I begged her to get help.   Now she is at peace.  She was very kind to me as she was dying and I am so thankful that I could be there and also that nothing ugly came out that I would take with me to my grave.  She was kind, called me beautiful and told me what a lovely daughter I had been.  I made the choice at 4 years of age not to ever have human children of my own.  I did not want to pass down this legacy of pain.  At one point I felt healed enough to adopt a child as I had been thankfully adopted, but it just wasn’t something my husband wanted to do when I broached the topic.   I do very well, however, with our animal children.  I have mostly handled and supported them in a balanced and loving way.  I have always worked on my temper because my mother never did.  I saw the great harm a bad temper caused.  It is all about control.  One should strive for control over ones’ self, to express in productive, honest ways, both for your own and others sake. We can all run the gamut emotionally but I always ask myself if something is worth going to battle and how far I believe I should take that battle and if I do that, what will it do, how will it help the other person, the situation or myself.  I breathe.  I do daily mediations and yoga and I tend to be a positive person naturally but I work to remain upbeat.  Mostly when people afflict you, it’s about them and not you.

Reach Out In Kindness.  You don’t always know how folks in your circle, in your office have really grown up, how their spouse may be or what exactly they are going through.  I am a huge advocate for being kind.  People who are toxic can be removed from your life or in the case of a working relationship, remain cordial but remove yourself gracefully wherever you are able to do so without it looking obvious. Fight the urge to be cruel back to someone mean to you because they may be afflicted like my mother was and truly need help.  And as personal as some comments seem to be which are made, try to see beyond them, much as you can, to the person and the moment in which they were spoken.
Take Ownership Of Yourself – I like to say that mother was a lesson in what not to do in life.  I have pretty much taken all the negative skills she taught me, like how to ridicule,  play the victim, how to slay someone with two words, how to manipulate someone into giving you what you desire and turned it all upside down.  What you say and how you say it may affect people around you, so be mindful of your tone and words. Apologize when you mess this up.  I try very hard not to take out a bad day on others.  Sometimes that means I hole up alone, but typically it just means calming myself down and being in a place where I can discuss it rationally with a friend or my husband and respect others enough not to be sharp with them when they didn’t cause my bad day.  My mother got into this thing of routinely badgering the check out people at the grocery store or pharmacy.  It was embarrassing.  I would be mouthing ‘I am so sorry’ as Frances would be just completely going off on some poor person just trying to help.  Very rarely was the check out person the actual cause of her frustration.  A grand lesson in what not to do.

Know your personal triggers so that you can try to remain calm and support yourself.  For example, for me, being adopted and abused, being told my entire life I never measured up to the expectations my mother had of me, my trigger is abandonment and not ever measuring up.  After being at Sprint 26 years I felt fairly confident that after that length of time, it wasn’t personal when I got laid off.  But at my new job,  I am always feeling like the other shoe is gonna drop any minute.   I have these self-talks, sort of like Stuart Smalley looking in the mirror saying I am good enough, smart enough and gosh darn it people like me.  I work to diversify my income stream by doing this blog, selling organic and plant-based skin and body care products, and renting a place.   But it’s whatever gets you through the day, that doesn’t cause harm to someone else.  We are all here to help ourselves and others along the path.  Cruelty is never a part of helping.

It’s Totally On You To Heal – This may sting a bit, but whatever hell you have gone through personally, all of the ownership for moving on and letting go of it falls squarely upon your shoulders regardless of what wrong was done you by whom or how long.  Get free of it and sort yourself out.  Don’t be like my mother and let abuse ruin your entire existence on this plane and damage others in the process.  Life is short so get out, get happy and enjoy it.

For your reading pleasure, I have included helpful books, just click on the titles to do your Amazon shopping.

Helpful books: 

The Book Of Joy by Dalai Lama

Boundaries by Adelyn Birch

Out Of The Fog by Dana Morningstar

Will I Ever Be Good Enough by Dr. Karyl McBride

Happy New Year! Start Fresh!

Walk Into 2018 With a Clean Slate!

Happy New Year!  What I love about a new year is that it is a marker for leaving anything that no longer serves you as you go into a new year, a new time, new beginnings.  If chaos seems to follow you around, check what you may be doing (or not doing) that is encouraging this and allow yourself to change that. Where do your loyalties lie?  Do your current relationships serve you or serve to ruin you?  Do they cause more joy or upset?  Do you feel more or less in balance within them?   If you routinely fall into the victim role, feel like you just cannot get it all together, self-sabotage opportunities or you are around or supporting people who are like this, causing you more stress than peace; Leave all this behind in 2017! The mind likes to create stories and habits but BOTH are adaptable, changeable. You cannot change the way anyone around you thinks feels or acts, but you can control yourself and who you allow to remain in your life.  Each day you breathe air, you have an opportunity for growth, to remove blinders (we all have them) and go and do better.  Some folks are stuck in making things harder than they need to be. They want to blame, argue, delay and create what I call High Queen.  My mother used to say ‘This is just how I am’ No, this is just how you programmed yourself.  Begin taking ownership, stop deliberately going off the rails emotionally, self-control is underrated. Life is far too short to start pointless arguments, deliberately cause chaos, or be with anyone that behaves this way.  IF you are used to living with someone that is High Queen, you may struggle at first embracing the quite. Trust, the brain gets used to all this noise and it can take a bit for quiet to sink in, to feel normal. Counting your blessings rather than stirring up drama is far more healthy. Reward those good to you, rather than complain.  See what happens then.   Life is short. Stress causes disease.  Embrace Joy!

2 Things Wrong Theory – Minimizing Chaos Maximizing Joy

An ordered life brings calm.  Our body is our temple and our mind the seat.  Whatever your religious beliefs, big bang theory etc, you can look around you at all the beauty of this world and all the atrocious acts too and conclude two things:  Firstly  – there is good and evil sparring it out here and Secondly  – this planet and everything within it and upon it didn’t just happen.  There is way too much order, beauty and workmanship in everything and how it fits together, from fish to butterflies, to Jaguars to trees.  Nothing had to be this well orchestrated, this beautiful and yet it is.

Part of honoring ourselves, our temple, our seat, is taking care of ourselves by taking care of things around us in such a way that we create calm rather than calamity for both us, our family members and those within our scope.  But because being OCD can also bring chaos, there is value in things being imperfect.  There is, in fact, perfection in the imperfection, if you will.

Now, as one of my dear friends always says when discussing finding a lover or choosing friends, is that you have got to pick your flavour of crazy because we all are.  And another dear friend used to tell me she was looking for someone who had fewer problems than she had.  These two principles can be applied to all areas of life, really.  It boils down to the respect of one’s self, one’s divinity.  All of us being devine in nature, when we get in touch with that grace, then we begin to recognize that we no longer need the fluff of drama injected into everything that we touch. And when I say drama, I mean negative drama because I stand as a big fan of fun drama!

This doesn’t mean that sometimes negative stuff doesn’t simply happen, but rather, it means we are engaged to actively minimize it on a daily basis and we do this out of honor for ourselves and our fellow companions because  we deserve it, we deserve peace and life is stressful enough without adding negative drama on the top of it all.

That stated, here are ways that I actively work to reduce chaos and create peace.

Two Things Wrong Theory –  For anything in my life, whether it’s a car or house, a usable item like a sofa, electronics etc, I strive for not more than 2 things wrong.  In this way, I maintain a 0-2 defect ratio in all things.  If I hit the third thing on the car or house, then I know I am out of balance and promptly get at least one thing that’s wrong, fixed. Honestly, I am rather anal about my cars and home so things get fixed quickly.  This can be tailored to the individual, perhaps you can adopt five things for example or make other adjustments which suit you.  Make it something that is comfortable for you and your lifestyle as well as tailored to what you care most about. For example, you may care more about your home than your car and want 2 or fewer things wrong with your casa but if your car is dirty, you have 3 door dings but it runs, you’re good with that.

Pick your number. For me, nothing in my life has more than two things wrong with it at any given time.  In this way, I don’t feel snowed under with to do lists that I feel I’ll never crawl out from under.  I minimize the heavy expense of fixing a bunch of things at once too.

Love Your Home & Create Peace In It-  Home should be a safe haven, a place where you seek and find comfort, joy and beauty.  You can tell a lot about a person and their psyche by their home.  Conversely, you can mind your brain and heal your nervous system by keeping things tidy.  De-cluttering what is around you orders and calms the brain.  Having things around that give you joy bolster you up with every passing glance just as seeing piles of what needs taking care of can weigh you down.  Even if your home is temporary, it affects you each time you are there.  I’m a big fan of adding even a hint of personality to a temporary space or cubicle and ordering it in such a  way that it provides you clear thinking and peace.  I highly recommend Sacred Space by Denise Linn, it’s one of my reference books on everything from space clearing to meditation. I also have her Feng Shui For The Soul and keep that as a great reference too.

Expect & Buy Quality – To minimize chaos for myself, I strive for things made well.  I don’t mind paying more for this because I generally keep things a long time.  My amplifier is over 2 decades old.  The amp before it was also over 20 years old.  It met its’ demise over a hairball my kitty hawked onto it.  It never stood a chance. One entire channel went toast and in the US, there were no matching parts.  I didn’t think it would ever sound right with mismatched channel components so I shopped for a replacement.    So I buy quality,  take very good care of stuff and my expectation is that they take care of me.

Let Go Of Crap Products –  My Lexus LS600HL is pictured above.  At over 120k MSRP, I thought I had purchased a reliable and solid vehicle and one that would last me decades.  But the thing was a Debbie Downer with a failed water pump, the brake actuator and all four upper control arms going out all at the same time and all at less than 60k miles.  On top of this, the ‘luxury’ of it suffered with poor workmanship.  The leather wrapping the dashboard came totally unglued in a week’s timespan parked not in a garage as was typical, but in the June sunshine. In that same week, the Bezel surrounding the console mysteriously cracked as well. Lexus Corp refused to cover the dash and only partially covered the rest. The thing ate money.  Now, I was completely fine paying all that cash up front, and being overcharged on general maintenance for the rest of my life.  But I got completely pissed off paying months of salary every quarter on things car makers should already know how to do in their sleep!  I’m in a Jaguar now.  I got everything fixed on the misbegotten Lexsucks except the bloody dashboard and sold it to Carmax for 7k higher than the dealership offered to buy it back!  In the most respectful way I can say it right now, Lexus? Sodd directly off! Never again will I purchase a new Lexus or Toyota product.  You will note that I created signs and added letters to the back end around the ‘L’ to spell Awful Lousy and I had fun for a few months discussing the car, parking in prominent places all over town sharing my story.  But at the end of the day, the vehicle was not bringing me the peace I bought it for.  I had named it Zen and it wasn’t happiness anymore when I never knew when the next break would happen.  So, whatever you personally expected or paid for something, let it go if it’s crap.   Just get it out of your life. In this situation, karmically, I repaired the car and to the best of my abilities assured (Per Sewell Lexus in Dallas) that nothing else was, at that moment, wrong with the car.  I turned it over to Carmax still owing repair bills, with a fresh oil change, ready for the new owner who will hopefully avail themselves of the Carmax extended warranty.

Take Care Of Your Stuff – I try to apply the minimum pressure to things such as buttons and dials, keep it clean, polished, lubed, whatever to keep it humming smoothly.  When you buy with care and take pride and care in what you have, it is amazing how long stuff can last.  This is why we have appliances from the 60’s still working in kitchens today.  Also, the recent shift has clearly been to make crap.  I don’t suffer crap very well.  So when we expect quality and choose to no longer put up with junk, that is when companies will be incited to create better merchandise.

A Throw-Away Society Is Ruinous To The Entire Planet – When we create throw away items or when we as consumers buy things that we don’t take care of, causing them to wear out faster, we affect the ecosystem of our planet.   There’s a girl who writes a blog about how her life has been creating zero trash.
I am nowhere close to that level of recycling and green, but the post has inspired me to do better since the day I first read it.  It has made me far more aware of all the things I purchase, whether it is something which can be reused and if not, what else I might buy or use instead that will not trash the planet.

Downcycle By Giving Away (or selling) What You No Longer Use or Need – Recently, a neighbor put out a box to the sidewalk area (code for take it if you want, it’s free) with a nice note stating it was a Dell Monitor and that it worked very well, they had just upgraded and didn’t need any longer.  Well, it just so happened I needed a monitor for my contract job.  I didn’t open the box until I got to my cubicle the following Monday. Let me tell you, I was impressed with the care and level of attention paid to re-wrapping all the cables, cords and whatnots.  The monitor was clean and looked like new.  I wrote a thank you card introducing myself and how much I appreciated that monitor!    I love paying it forward and what a thrill it was to actually get something so fabulous.

Expect Quality in Yourself – While I am far from perfect, I do try to eat right, no meat, dairy, lots of raw veggies and I use organic skincare routines and work out.  I invest in and take ownership of my own well being.  In short, I minimize what can go wrong by being aware of where I am at healthwise and managing my resilience.  Some folks eat like they don’t give two f*cks and people, this is going to show up downstream.  It is never selfish to take care of you.  When you come from a position of strength, you are in the best shape to go help others.

Unhook From Drama – Our mind is a computer that literally programs itself to think in such a way that we tend towards.  In other words, if you tend to be happy and positive, your brain will tend to think positively and if you tend to think oh why me, and life sucks, then your brain will condition that way as well.  If you want change, the trick is being patient for the next 30 days which create the new habit and way of being.  I know people who are continuously in one negative drama after another. They do this simply because this is how they have taught themselves that life is for them.  They don’t know and accept for themselves another path, a new way.  Believe me, there is!   Try a daily meditation such as Rolf Gates, Meditations From The Mat or Meditations on Intentions and Being.  IF you are stuck in a co-dependent relationship, I will say that Melody Beattie The Language Of Letting Go and Co-Dependent No More, HEALED ME!!!  Denise Linn’s books came next into my life and pushed me onwards from there!  I had no idea that I was co-creating drama nor did I know what co-dependent behavior was but oh boy was this toxic!  And I got out.  You can too!

Take love, patience and more calm into each day, each week by breathing before you react and finding small ways to create space and quiet. With time it gets easier as your new habits are formed which will add quality and resilience to your life!

Be Blessed. ♥

PurePet CANINE KIDNEY Renal Disease & Dangerous Pet Food

Happy Boy!

Rhett has suffered kidney damage since he was just a year old (2011). He has been on a high grade mostly raw diet and has no kidney issues in his line.  Rhett’s Grand-dad passed away last year at 12 1/2 and he has some 14+ relatives so he comes from healthy stock.

His kidney trauma is due to bad greedy people,  egregious practices and misbegotten crap passed off to the consumer as something made in America but was actually produced using tainted meat from China.  Waggin Train and Canyon Ranch dog treats.   Read my Petfood Rant for more details and check out this link too:

Putting my steam aside a moment, as you can see, Hieronymus Rhett Thomas O’Brien Puppy is a very happy boy.  I am a natural, plant-based, alternative kinda girl.  As I have been treating Rhett with help from various others, since 2011.  I stopped his tainted treats in 2014 when I finally connected the dots, because he finally got massively sick immediately after eating the treats, wouldn’t stop vomiting, so it was obvious.   They say there is no cure for kidneys, that they progressively scar and stop doing their job and that we only notice the signs when the kidneys are down to their last 20% or so of function.  I really like to think of the body as a miracle machine, capable of vast healing given the time, herbs and pure living.   But at the very least, what I know for sure is that eating clean, getting exercise and lots of love couple with the right herbs and daily detoxing, can all only help prolong your dogs quality of life.

Foods and HerbsDETOX  The Lifestyle –  Everyone that looks at Rhett exclaims what a healthy handsome Doberman he is.  While he has lost 18lbs of muscle over the years, I believe one of the reasons he looks so stunning is the food and herbs I give him and it’s also what I don’t give him too.  First I read Martin Goldstein’s Book, The Nature of Animal Healing. I love this book as a reference and a great natural guide. It is a wonderful balance between allopathic and homeopathic modalities.  KIBBLE –  I read all ingredients and avoid most kibble which is done via an extrusion process and is just not a good thing to feed your dog or kitty. I go for the boutique and healthier ones, where the company makes it themselves, using low heat and then I only provide as a snack food.  Just something for my kitties and Rhett to snack on in between meals.  I tend to mix up the kibble, but right now I am feeding Ami Cat, vegan for our kitties and Halo Vegan Garden Medley for our Doberboy.  The reasoning against kibble as an animals only fare is similar to when we high heat cook our food.  Whenever anything is cooked above 118, it loses vitality, vitamins and moisture and enzymes.  Basically, the food is now dead and you may notice labels that state ‘vitamins and minerals added etc’ and that would be why because we have trashed the value in that food.  When you eat only dry food, your body takes moisture to break it down and it is very dehydrating.  For example, a cat typically doesn’t drink a ton of water but on kibble only, your cat will drink a lot more in an attempt to hydrate.

You can provide  Black Walnut, for worms, including heartworm.  I buy the capsules and break one up in his food.  Rhett is 100 lbs currently.  So I dose him like a human.  So if you adopt this, I believe the book provides guidance there too, but dose accordingly which may mean half a capsule or a 1/4th monthly.  Rhett had been given all his typical puppy shots up to 8 months old.  After that, all he has ever had is a fractional rabies dose (because it is the law) and one Parvo shot because parvo was prevalent in our area.  There is mercury and other poisons in our vaccines…I have no freaking clue why but I shun them.  Also, many are not vegan.  Think about it….do YOU personally get shots every year whether you need it or not?  The last time I had a shot was as a child when I had no say so.   Because we reside in an area (Dallas) that is pretty much open season with Mosquitos all year long, I give keep Rhett on Pawhealer Empiracle Heartworm Support, just a 1/4 tsp daily 7 days on, 7 days off, and every quarter I give Rhett a black walnut capsule to cleanse.  If we get any semblance of a solid winter that lasts a week or longer, I stop the heartworm prevention during that time just to give the boy a break and pick it back up as the weather warms up.  With his kidneys compromised, I try to minimize any conceivable toxin that he could come into contact with, from air pollution, impure water, floor cleaners and polishes, laundry detergent, dog shampoo and conditioner, flea control.  I believe it is due to all of this management, that Rhett has not once needed emergency care (yet) for his kidney concern.  We would not have known he had one except by his bloodwork.

One of the treatments I use, which I mix in with Rhett’s food, is Dr Harveys Kidney Health For years, I have been a fan of Chinese healing herbs and modalities and have taken Astralagus for some years now as well as medicinal mushrooms, so it’s great seeing these magical compounds in this whole food supplement, along with Rehmannia Root and other herbs, all organic by the way, to help reduce inflammation (a precursor to cancer and other ills) strengthen the immune system, the kidneys, and adrenals, and detoxify the blood and system.   See my petfood blog, but I also, primarily, feel Dr Harveys mix-ins, such as their Canine Health and veg-to-bowl when I want to create a meal with either no grains or when I want to add my own, such as brown rice.  What I love about Dr. Harveys, other than the man will get on the phone with you, (not kidding!)  is that with kidney issues, you have to reduce the protein.  With a healthy, organic mix in, it makes the meal prep very easy.  You control the protein source and amount, mix that into the bowl that you have hydrated following the easy directions en voila, a meal is served.  I make up batches at a time to last a couple or three days.  Dr. Harveys makes food for kitty too.  ♥

Another tool in my toolkit is Pawhealer Petigreens, which is all organic greens and digestives that help detox the system and are great for kitty as well.  Coming from my Hippocrates Health Institute training, I am gladdened to see wheatgrass, barley grass, loads of chlorophyll, which is one molecule off from our blood cells.  It is a powerhouse detoxifier!  I also have everybody in the house on Digestive Enzymes and probiotics.  For the furkids, I recommend  Dr. Mercola Digestive Enzymes.

Purify your water.  (Read my blog on water purification) There is plastics and pharmaceutical drugs in all municipal water supplies and no drop is pristine these days.  Get a Zero water pitcher or whole house system…see my blog, but please purify all of your water and if you have pets, they deserve fresh pure water too!  I add minerals back, using either mineral sticks or liquid trace minerals into the water once purified.  You need them for the bones and teeth.  Teeth and mouth are another dead giveaways to a pup suffering from Kidney Disease.  Rhett has never had to have a vet clean his teeth.  Rhett will be 8 April 17th 2018. I have been using brushless toothpaste treats by Ark Naturals and Ark Naturals Plaque Zapper, little fizzy packets you add to the water bowl since he was a young boy.  I do periodically brush, but he really doesn’t like it and doesn’t have a lot of ‘stay still’ patience for me to work as long as I need to. I also use a natural tooth gel, that I can apply weekly to his canines and back molars area, 2 drops front, back on each side.

For household cleaners, check out my other blog which is geared towards Mid Century Modern design, but I review and talk about the best and safest ways to clean your home, top to bottom in a safer way.

Read all labels and be mindful of your protein source.  Think about what kidneys and livers do…they purify the system.  So you really don’t want to be feeding your kidney deficient pup liver or kidneys because they will have toxins that could overload your pup’s system that is already struggling to detox.

Variety!  Now, I believe it is important to provide variety at mealtime.  It’s healthier and there is so much we can benefit by adding different plants, legumes etc into the diet.  That stated I recommend a couple of books – Feed Your Best Friend Better by Rick Woodford and Dr. Pitcairn’s Guide To Natural Health For Dogs & Cats which is a plethora of information as well as a few recipes.  I realize everyone is busy and my husband jokes I make time to fix something from scratch for the dog but not for us, but even if you do this on the odd week-end, and Dr. Harveys mix-ins the rest of the time, varying your oils and protein sources, then you are adding some variety to your pup’s diet.
With Kidney Disease, we concern ourselves primarily with the BUN, the Creatine and Phosphorus.  When the Phos gets out of whack, we are really going downhill.  A friend tipped me to using a phos binder, such as RX Vitamins Phos-Bind.  While Rhett’s phos values are normal, I am adding a binder as a preventive measure.

IF you are one of the many who are suffering due to bad pet food, or an unknown cause, one way you can help others and detox emotionally is to simply  share your story and I encourage you to post comments below.  It helps to get it out and, also, if it is due to a bad product, it helps make others aware.

I vote with my wallet. So, this means I boycott the maker of the bad treats and Petco because they are equally culpable, having watched me for years as I checked out, spending between $300-$500 monthly at their store, with them smiling back at me and Rhett, letting me buy these tainted meat treats which they already knew the story on.  They smiled and said not one word of warning.  And yes, I hate them for that. But I also despise them for continuing to keep this poison on their shelves knowing full well what it was doing and would continue to do to our loved ones.

How did we get so freaking greedy that it actually makes sense to us to cut so many corners, turn a blind eye and begin ageing out and killing off the client base?  How, exactly, because I really want to know this answer, does that model actually work, long-term, as a profitable business model?  Who continues to shop with you after something like this?  It’s insulting and cruel is what this is.

For you guys suffering watching your fur kids suffer, try to stay positive and try these meals and treatments and just love them while you have them.  In the end, we are all spirit.  Mine will be haunting bad mojo greed corporations such as Monsanto and Factory Farms.


HHI Holiday Nog Recipe


Perfect for the holidays!

This Nog is a rich and frothy blend of nuts that will be an absolute favorite with family and friends. The folks at Hippocrates Health Institute were kind enough to share and I am thrilled to whip this up for the holidays!  This is vegan ‘egg nog’ made with nut milks.   If you don’t yet make your own nut milks, no stress, just do a search for my nut milk post.    I have included links below to amazon for quick and easy shopping.


2 C. Almonds
1 C. Pine Nuts
3 Medjool Dates
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1 Tbsp Vanilla

Nut Milk Sack  (The link takes you to the ones I use, into my 2nd year of use, they work great and wash up easy peasy too!)
Blender  This is Glass….Stainless, rather than plastics all around!  Glass is always going to be safer than your plastic.


First you will need to make  two separate batches of nut milk.  (see my blog on how to make almond milk, which is pretty much exactly how you make all nut milks, with a minimum 4 hour soak, add water, blend, then strain.  Very easy and way better than store bought, so fresh and full of vitamins and minerals!)

Combine 2 cups of almonds with 2 cups of water, blend and strain through a nut bag.

Next combine 1 cup of pine nuts with 1 cup water, blend and strain through a nut bag.

Combine both nut milks in a blender, add 3 Medjool Dates, 1/2 tsp Cinnamon, 1/2 tsp Nutmeg, and 1 Tbsp Vanilla.

Blend and serve!

Note: This is a thicker and richer recipe than our regular nut milk, you can use stevia in place of the dates if you want a sugar free recipe.


PurePet CANINE BLOAT – GD & GDV Explained


Rhett –  Proof that sometimes shite just happens and also a great and  shining example of exactly what Western Medicine does RIGHT! WM excels at mediating trauma. They saved my boys life. And now I continue working my mojo magic on him at home.  I always seek the natural, the holistic, herbal or laying on of hands approach before I even remotely think about Hospitals or Western Medicine and their knives and pharmaceuticals.  I have thought this way since I was a young child and no ideas as to exactly who and what planted these seeds in me because my family was all about the Western Medicine man.

The reasoning in both allopathic and the older modalities is brilliant.  All life is duality. I believe in the herbs, foods and flowers of the field to prevent issues and keep us healthy and heal us when ill, however, there are times when you do everything right and end up in an emergency situation, which is exactly what happened here!

I am thankful I paid attention  to Rhett’s odd behaviour and tied that into the knowledge gained by  a couple of great resource books I had read, (links posted below) which allowed me to understand the full scope of the emergency that this was, act quickly on my gut, and get him to the vet before too much damage had been done already.  It’s a great way to begin a new week by not dying today.

Bloat is always serious and life-threatening in our canine companions.  But under this one moniker, there are actually two stages that happen or can happen. The first is you have gas and air that causes the stomach to fill up (gastric dilatation) and the dog is unable to burp or relieve the pressure.  When this happens, the stomach also sometimes begins twisting (volvulus).   We don’t know exactly why it happens, but some breeds, primarily your large dogs, those with big chests, can be prone to bloat.  There are discussions about ways to help prevent it, such as providing moist foods, avoiding kibble, not exercising too much ahead of or directly after a meal and breaking up meal portions into 2 or 3 smaller meals.
We did all that and still….

And further, Dr. Rutherford says in his article:

“Clinically, bloat is when the stomach fills with gas and becomes distended, but the dog cannot burp or relieve the pressure exerted by the gas. Bloat with twisting or GDV is when the dog’s stomach fills with gas (and often fluid) and twists 180 to 360 degrees on it’s axis between the esophagus and duodenum or the entrance and exit parts of the stomach. When “simple bloat” or gastric dilatation occurs and the stomach swells, a great deal of pressure is put upon the surrounding organs including the liver and lungs interfering with the dog’s ability to breath, and the blood supply to the stomach wall is decreased.

This is very painful for the dog and quickly becomes a medical emergency. When bloat is complicated by twisting, gastric dilatation, and volvulus, the situation worsens rapidly. In addition to the pressure exerted by the gas distending the stomach, the twisting stops the blood supply to the stomach wall and the tissues themselves begin to die.”

The two books that I use as reference material areMartin Goldstein The Nature Of Animal Healing and Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide To Natural Health For Dogs & Cats. Both books have their own offerings with a natural bent and are great guides with what we can treat at home in a gentler kinder and effective way and when we can do something to help while we also seek the vet for treatment.

Rhett an hour prior was happy, playful, and seemed just fine.  He wanted to romp around, but we didn’t because I was busy getting firewood and chores done, the house staged for when my handsome husband would walk through the door and we could begin a nice Friday evening and Saturday off together.  But as soon as Michael walked in the door, Rhett began acting strangely, laying down oddly, or sitting funny, pacing, panting a bit here and there, trying unsuccessfully to vomit and going room to room clearly feeling uncomfortable.  Michael thought he was hiding because he had gotten into something, some goody he didn’t want to let go of.  And I had let him out just before Michael walked in the door and wasn’t watching him.  So perhaps he licked a frog (he really likes licking frogs) or he got into something else, right?  But he wasn’t hanging out with us as usual and when he was laying on my bed, I looked him over.  His tummy appeared a bit bloated.  When I felt it, I got that sinking feeling as it was ‘taught like a drum’.  By the time we made it to the vets, it was far more obvious that I had made the right decision.

Rhett’s X-rays showed volvulus, twisting of the stomach between the endpoints or where the tummy connects up with the esophagus on one end and duodenum.  I briefly thought about giving him charcoal capsules but I sort of figured out I was too late for that.  If I had perhaps done so earlier, when there were absolutely no symptoms, sure, maybe that would have helped.  But we didn’t know our boy was going to bloat so here we were in a Friday night emergency.

As you might already guess, this is a very painful condition that, left untreated, escalates quickly resulting in certain death as few as a few hours later.  It is NOT a good death.  Rhett was so quiet, no whimpering, no vocalization that would let me know just how bad he hurt.  But his mannerisms told me he wasn’t at all comfortable and so I had to go on my gut.   As I responded and got him to the vet so  quickly,  Rhett was mobile, he was clearly ill, but able to move around, was lucid and basically not yet in shock.  This meant they were able to stabilize him quickly, set him up with fluids and otherwise prep him for surgery.  Once the surgeon untwisted his belly, while very bruised, the tissues engorged with blood and became nice and pink again.  His spleen was intact, he had no permanent damage done to any of his internal organs.  This photo was taken 9 hours after surgery. He could barely stand and was not at all comfortable or apparently happy to see us.  About 6 hours later on the same day, though, he clearly was happy to see us and go home!

During surgery, Rhett had a gastropexy where they attached the stomach to the right side of his body.  In this way, he should never have a twist again.  At the vets I also learned that when a dog is being neutered, you can have them do the gastropexy at that time, saving potential damage and drama from this!  Great information to know when shopping for a new puppy!

 HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?As I noted earlier, we don’t know exactly what the cause is for the twisting or Volvulus when bloat occurs but I just had an epiphany on that one…thinking about this typically hitting the large chested pups, and how bloat presses and makes breathing a challenge, could it be possible that the dog, in trying to deeply breathe, suddenly twists the stomach?  What is known, however, is that once this occurs, the dog is prone to the condition and each time it is worse.  Hence doing a gastropexy when in surgery.  I thought I was doing everything right here.  I fed a varied diet, with fiber, probiotics, 2-3 smaller meals daily with a few snacks in between,  and I limited romping around just ahead of or after mealtime.  Additionally, I primarily feed Dr Harveys, but all of Rhett’s food is home cooked, it is not dry kibble or anything that generally expands once in the stomach.

PREVENTIVE MEASURES – While I feel that I am proof you cannot completely prevent this from happening, I do believe there are things that minimize the risks.
CHARCOAL – Firstly, there is activated charcoal, such as Natures Way.  If you feel your pup is gassy and uncomfortable, give him some charcoal.  This is not something you want to add to his meals because in the detoxification process that charcoal is brilliant for, it can also wipe out the vitamins in your pups food.  You can also provide a treat which may be easier to administer, such as Darford Naturals Charmint Dog Treats.
PROBIOTICS –  I like Primal Defense, to keep the gut healthy and working optimally. I also like that it comes in a capsule or powder with a scoop to just mix in food because our entire family takes this.
GINGER – Such as Dr. Wakde’s Ginger Powder, which can be sprinkled into food, both dog and human, aides in the prevention of gas buildup.
THYME – Fresh or Dried Thyme, such as Spicely Organic Thyme Powder,  sprinkled into food can also help.
PRE-PLANNING – You never want to be here where I was and am right now.  It is soul crushing to see your dog child in such misery and possible early demise.  Honestly, I was proud of the way I cared for Rhett and never saw this coming.  That stated, I read up on this condition because he is a barrel-chested dog and I looked for a vet that was open 24×7 nearby. It happens to be a great place (For those in the Dallas area, I highly recommend Hillside Vet Clinic, where we have been taking our pets for over 2 decades) and I was able to meet with the surgeon prior to kissing Rhett goodbye and leaving for the evening.  The next bit of pre-planning is sort of like a fire drill where you assemble and quietly make your way to the exits.  You want to stay calm for your family member.  Why introduce further trauma and drama?  So be calm.  When working with the folks who will potentially save your pets life, it isn’t their fault the prices are so jacked or that you are even there.  So be polite, patient and absorb the message. They have a stressful job to do.  They will be the ones on the other end of the phone either with grave news or telling you he made it and coaching you through next steps.  Either way, it’s not easy work.

EMERGENCY USE, Cannot Get to the VET immediately or you must stabilize your pup so he can make it to the vet:  The Canine Bloat Kit is something that, now I am aware of it, I will keep on hand!  The kit has everything you need to relieve the enormous pain your pup will be going through with this condition and allow you time to get him treatment. Below is a link to purchase.
COSTLY SURGERY – This is not cheap and I was mandated actually to pay before they would even proceed although I had told them yes, proceed.  What I liked is that I was provided the best case and worst case scenarios and pricing accordingly.  I didn’t let grass grow, I got my boy to the vet asap.  It actually took them longer to prep and schedule him for his surgery than it took me to notice the signs, make a diagnosis, load him into the car and haul him to the vet! Because my actions were swift, the damage was greatly minimized so that made for the best surgical outcome and less money.  For numerous reasons, bloat is not anything you want to mess around with, get your pup to the vet and quickly.  It was more than 2 hours later when Rhett went into surgery so you want to allow time for the length of time everything takes once your pet is there.
RECOVERY – Rhett is home and healing, we were thankful that he was released the following day, just under 24 hours later.  He is in a lot of pain and is on meds for that.  He kept me up all night whining the first 2 nights home.  And he sure didn’t want to eat anything even though the vet wanted him to.  I have read that it’s tender inside the tummy as well as outside at the scar site and so pups may not feel like eating for a couple of days.  As I type this, Rhett is whining.  But he is eating a tiny amount of food, able to pee and poop on his own and noticed a squirrel on our walk this morning.  Apparently, there is no laparoscopy on this kind of situation.  This means a big ole cut to the gut.  Rhett’s incision site is clean but about 8 inches.  We equate the pain level to what my husband went through during his first hernia surgery where they did it ‘old style’ and he was in unbelievable pain while on the mend.  It took my husband 4 days to go number 2.  When he finally attempted it, he wound up passed out on the bathroom floor. I worked from home and held conference calls for work.  Folks would interrupt to ask ‘Excuse me, what is that moaning sad sound in the background?’ and I would explain my husband had recent hernia surgery and is feeling like death.  Conversely, his laparoscopy (short small opening and swifter healing with far less pain involved) a few years later to fix what never took the first time, was lightyears different.  Michael was up the same afternoon fixing himself lunch!  I have no other comparison to draw upon but assume Rhett feels much like my husband did and is suffering so great right now.  He will heal, however, and every day he does get better!  In hindsight, I would have done more of the above stuff I noted, the ginger, the charcoal treats.  I have all this on the roster moving forward now just in case, god forbid, even with the gastropexy, it somehow tries to happen again.   Rhett is a farter and while that sounds funny, maybe all of this pain (and expense) could have been prevented with a bit less gas. Well, it is time to walk my boy and see if I can get him to eat again.  I hope that this has helped you and yours.  Kindly leave a comment below, and sharing is appreciated.

PS.  We have had Trupanion since Rhett was a puppy, never once used the insurance, which kept creeping up annually.  With a $500.00 deductible and for whatever odd reasons, they will not cover an exam (apparently nobody ever needs to be examined prior to any remedial treatment, making this expenditure silly and unnecessary so oh gosh, why on earth do we examine, people, prior to just jumping right on in with meds, scissors, blades hooray!)  My personal take on this aside, they were super nice every time I called them and asked as if they really cared, how Rhett was doing and paid attention to what I said with comments in all the right spots, so, wow, I think really that they do care about our fur family members :).  The bill was paid at 90% less the aforementioned exam and deductible which you can select based upon your individual needs.  They have gone up each and every year.  I almost cancelled it a few times because it was just wasting money.  BUT…what if?  So right now, Trupanion is about 2k ahead of the game and they just raised the monthly rates again (grumble).  But, when you are in the midst of a dire emergency and the bill could be (and in this case was) thousands, it sure feels great to know that at least a fair portion of the invoice will get reimbursed…and quickly I might add again.  Trupanion, all kidding you aside, thank you.  Thank you for being there, for all the very nice people who listened to me and conversed pleasantly and, ok, thanks for taking my money all these many years.  🙂

Pupdate! Rhett has now fully healed judging by his sweet but oh so willful personality shining as it always has, hopping up and down, cornering us for walks, pulling on leash, grabbing up his squeaky beaver, Hedgehog and other stuffies, rolling on his belly for morning rubs,  hopping up on the sofa or bed in such a way as to take up as much room and all pillows possible (and yes, refuse to budge one iota) demand extra attention, extra treats and generally eat us out of house and home.  His 8-9 inch scar is healing nicely and his hair is beginning to grow back.  We’ll probably always see a scar, but the bitches at the dog park always think having a scar is hot.


Super Foods Supplement Comparisons

Supplements & Super Foods!

Everybody has their opinion on this topic but I believe in supplementation. Even if you are eating 100% raw, grow most of your own food, sprout sprouts and down 4 cups a day of them, and green juice daily – everything organic – doing everything right – we have polluted air, soil and water, soil erosion, produce that sits on trucks and loses potency by the time you eat it. Depending upon the organic soil used, the grower may care about truly supplementing the soil or not so much so the product is going to be varied.

People are People. You have the all in folks, who do everything to build their health and never vary or cheat from what they know is the very best, the folks that power vegan on week-ends and the junk food vegans, folks who are way too busy to step back, buy a great juicer (see my website/blog) and juice every day when there is work and family concerns. And you have the folks not yet ready to give up meat eating but perhaps want to be healthier or kinder to animals and the planet so they work on that issues one plate at a time.
It takes more time and thought to eat correctly and it takes a huge mind shift. This is significantly daunting at first. Like anything we do, it does become habit and it does get easier. I promise you! My favorite story from when I first went vegan was trying to fix something at home for my executive chef husband that didn’t have meat or dairy in it. He took one look at the kitchen island and said ‘Well, you got me (gesturing to the plethora of foodstuffs on the counter) I have zero clues as to what we are having for dinner.’ I had a really rough time at this. Eating vegan and healthy can certainly be done with diligence, but throw in travel, then it really gets complicated. This is WHY I rep for 3 product lines and when I locate a great cookbook, or a way to grow sprouts easier, I post about it.
Regardless of how you eat today, I believe we all need supplements based upon our individual body and lifestyle. Links are below but here’s a snapshot of the super greens Bioceutica, Essante and Miessence offer you: – Bioceutica has superfood capsules with great greens in it. All you do is pop two capsules and *boom* done for the day.  This has great stuff in it, such as Resveratrol, from red grape skins, shown to be highly anti-aging, Spirulina, ginger and turmeric.  This is easy peasy to travel with.  There’s no muss or fuss with carrying around powders to mix into something. – Offers a combo pack for $97.00 or you pay $50.00 for either their Earth Greens or $47.00 for Super Reds powders.  They also offer capsules specifically for the Earths Greens where you get 270 capsules per bottle for $72.54 which is 90 servings.  This line is a mix of both certified organic and wild crafted produce. – This line is both USDA and ACO certified organic.  It doesn’t get cleaner.  Their superfoods are a trio of Probiotics (InLiven) Alkalizing (Deep Green) and Antioxidants (Berry Radical).  The Antioxidant one tastes like chocolate, there’s organic cacao in it, YUM!  These are

In Summary – Comparing the Miessence, Bioceutica & Essante:
For $75.95 you can purchase their Probiotic, Alkalising or Antioxidant powders. These are their superfoods and they are excellent.  All 3 may be purchased for $204.95.  Micessence also does periodically offer a 30% off or, if your spend level is high enough they give you that.  Either power is 105g of product, about 30 days.

Essante :  Offers a combo pack for $97.00 or you pay $50.00 for either their Earth Greens or $47.00 for Super Reds powders.  They also offer capsules.

Bioceutica – Offers SuperPower3 in capsule form,  $40.95.  While there is no wheatgrass, there is spirulina, resveratrol from grapes, kelp, numerous botanicals and this would be a great on the go supplement if you are not inclined to make juices and smoothies or on days that you don’t, such as when traveling perhaps.

Miessence is 100% certified in their Super Foods and the green alkalizing food contains Chlorella and Spirulina and Wheatgrass, ALL HUGE with Hippocrates Health Institute where I took training.  Essante powders are a mix of both organic and wild crafted non GMO.  You get a lot more product, 200g and for less.  From my perspective, Miessence is a better superfood offering in quality.  But, some folks will want the savings and more product that is still a great product with Essante.  Or, speaking personally for what I do, I get the Miessence organics superfoods in powder form.  I scoop the Deep Green onto my raw salads and mix it into my salad and dressing and its delicious.  For the Berry Radical, I use that like a hot cocoa, mix that into some hot water at the office and …delightful.  For on the go I also use the capsules but I buy the Essante because for $72.54 I have a 90 rather than a 30 day supply.  Both products are great, it depends upon what greens you want.

This line is both USDA and ACO certified organic.  It doesn’t get cleaner.  Their superfoods are a trio of Probiotics (InLiven) Alkalizing (Deep Green) and Antioxidants (Berry Radical).  The Antioxidant one tastes like chocolate, there’s organic cacao in it, YUM!  These are

Feel free to comment and let me  know what your favorite products are and why.  Thanks for reading. ♥


Green MLM Opportunities – Essante & Miessence Reviewed!

Hi.  Being organic for over 2 decades, I am passionate about sharing pure, potent and truly green products.  I also need to earn a living.  Maybe you do to?  Perhaps you have tossed out all the bad toxic skincare in your makeup bag and decided to go green and need a safe place to shop.

Today’s topic will center on 2 great MLM opportunities, both as a shopping experience and as an Independent Consultant looking to make a living.

The average person applies between 120 and 200 toxic industrial chemicals before 9am.  The goal in representing these lines is to offer least toxic alternatives to a varied client base.  Everyone is in a different place with what they like to use. Repping for these lines has allowed me to test a lot of products and share my findings from my own research.  I currently rep for all 3 lines.  Each one offers a few different products that the other doesn’t and each has their own pluses and drawbacks.  What I like with supporting these three is that this allows me to work with a client and completely tailor my product suggestions to their budget and personal tastes while assuring that what I am offering is less toxic, potent, more pure and effective.  For those of you interested in building a business, I work this angle too, because I rep for these lines with the intent on making a living at it.

Below are the links to check each one out, just click on the names:



Most of us work at something to create a living that supports our lifestyle.  What I love about doing this blog is bringing you ways to become healthier, happier and more centered, helping your creature features (the odd adorable fur children occupying a place in your life) via my PurePet articles and for those curious, business opportunities as well.  For those curious about beginning a blog business, kindly direct your gaze to my ‘Getting Started’ page.  My quest firstly was to detox my own skin, body and home care routines.  When I realized how bad most products actually were, my quest became about sharing what I know.  Taking a year off work and training with Hippocrates Health Institute was a 360 for my life.  This training came on the heels of just having lost my mother and a brother to cancer, and hearing the sad news that I had other family members terminal with the disease. I felt led with a stronger resolve to share out my detoxing message to as many folks as I can.

With my Plant-Based Lifestyle coaching, I began looking at products I could talk about and feel great about sharing.  Most of us want to look our best and feel our best.  The philosophy here is inside out and outside in whole health.

Even someone who is on the ultimate raw, sprout filled, green juice imbibing plant-based diet will have holes in their nutrition.  This is because our planet is so polluted, our soil so eroded, that we both lack and require more than what the best diet can provide.

And it may sound crazy, but you would be just amazed at how many clients I talk to who are vegan, watch what they put into their body, but haven’t really given a great thought about their skincare or home cleaning agents.

Because the body absorbs at least 70% of what is applied topically,  what we come in skin contact with, what we clean with, use as deodorant, colognes and moisturizers matter…a lot.

Supplements – ONLY 9% of Vitamins on the market are good.  The rest contain motor oil, coal tar, turpentine, petrochemicals, talcum powder (a carcinogen) and are very unhealthy!

And so it is with my bent on detox, on products that are from green companies who actually care, that I bring you this review.  Sit back and enjoy the ride.  🙂

PRODUCT LINEUP – This company is coconut water based with a focus on organic and wild-crafted ingredients.  This line has just launched a clean mascara and eyeliner pencil. They have a yummy lemonade tasting selection of lip tints/glosses that aren’t sticky.  They have a good anti-aging firming trio for skincare as well as a rejuvenating skin cream I use twice a day, that helps with dark spots and other sun damage,  a non-tinted lip balm and an oh my lord good body butter. There’s a nice face wash, toothpaste options, hair care, laundry soap, sanitizer that is no fragrance, stabilized oxygen that kills off 98% of any germs on contact.  You can spray this on cuts, in the locker room (there’s a purse size too) or use on the kitchen counter as we do because we cannot keep our kittehs off the counter!  Oh, a great natural bug repellent, yummo superfood & other supplementation and organic therapeutic grade essential oils.

SIGNING UP! It’s $29.95 to join and then you choose your products.  You can just shop retail and try the products or you can go wholesale or and get one shot at this, you can sign up and get a pack at below wholesale prices.  I would suggest the large package so that you can fully immerse and try many of the most popular products out.  The compensation plan is good with a 30% Commissions paid weekly plus additional incentives.  (Reach out I can help.)

THE GREEN-  Essante is a mix of certified organic and wildcrafted.  Unlike Miessence (rated below) it is not 100% organic meaning they rely upon growers for most ingredients.  Essante also gets a lot of great wild-crafted meaning there is no pesticides and the produce has been raised in the wild with great soils.   Prices on their superfoods reflect this.  The brand uses Greenpeace Award Winning Organic Palm Oil.  They are non-GMO and cruelty free.

TOXINS – The brand states they are ‘Certified Toxic Free’. Looking at a few of my favorite products – Essante NaPCA Calming Toner Mist & Z3 Holywood’s Anti-Aging items –  Um…not really seeing any science here, no chemicals stand out for me.

CLEAN VERDICT –  Really clean product, with certified organic and wild-crafted green ingredients you can rely upon to be pure and effective.

PRODUCT LINE UP – Great SuperFoods powders (green, alkalizing, probiotic) Their reds has dark cacao in it and is delicious!  I also get their fulvic acids monthly, this is a primordial ancient soil mineral complex really hard to find.  There’s a nice enzymatic house cleaner and some very nice skin and body care.  As with Essante, these products are some of the best I have used.  I adore their Eye and Neck Firming Serum and won’t be without their hand cream or Rejuvenating Skin Conditioner, which is perfectly light and penetrating in the heat of Texas when you need moisture but not a ton of creams on your face, neck, and hands.  I also love their probiotic toner!
SIGNING UP!  – Signing up is easy but to gain commissions from sales, you are required to have a monthly spend that adds up to 75 ‘points’ which is about 100+ per month.  The products are fabulous and I get a mix of their super greens and fulvic acids so it’s easy to meet the monthly requirement.

HOW YOU ARE PAID – This is an Australian company so when you request payment, there are conversions to your currency such as from Aussie to US currency.   Australian transfers can take up to 4 business days to clear funds into your bank account.  International transfers can take up to 7 business days to clear funds.

Due to this, I prefer to buy products in bulk and then retail it myself or if you own a shop this a perfect for that scenario.  You may also direct folks to purchase directly online.

THE GREEN-  The company is carbon negative.  Miessence is also ACO and USDA Certified Organic.

TOXINS – You can basically eat this stuff. It is all 100% food-based, from skin care to body care to supplements.


Getting back on the topic of supplementation, Alkalizing is huge.  So is Hydration and Detoxification.  Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, recommended over 2000 years ago, “Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.”  Most folks are not juicing and dining on a plant-based diet and need a lot of supplementation.  In fact, anyone who is ‘eating perfectly’ in this polluted world still needs supplementation.  Hippocrates Health Institute is huge on juicing.  80% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. One of the large benefits of juicing is in the hydration.  Of course, when you dehydrate your ‘juice’ into a powder, you lose out on that hydrating effect, but you at least get some of the nutritional benefits.  And, as you add those benefits back into a drink/smoothie then you are adding some hydration there as well.  It’s always going to be better to control your food, buy fresh organic produce and make your own green juices at home but then there is work, travel and time constraints that most of us have.

Please drop me a line and let me know your thoughts and comments.  🙂


Hi everyone!  I am excited!  Please join me Saturday for my Bioceutica launch from the comfort of your home.  This is a quick call to introduce you to additional healthy options being introduced at PureTemple.

As most of you know who read me, my goal is helping folks live a vegan plant-based lifestyle,with a focus on raw foods,  to make efforts toward daily detoxing and eschewing chemicals and toxins from their daily lives, from buying organic clothing to being mindful of their home cleaning supplies.

To this end, I represent 3 plant based supplement, skin and body care lines. ONLY 9% of Vitamins on the market are good.  The rest contain motor oil, coal tar, turpentine, petrochemicals and are very unhealthy! Rather than actually helping us out, they cause damage. In a polluted world, daily detoxing, a focus on a raw plant based diet and good supplementation are necessary.

You are invited to attend my Bioceutica launch this Saturday and discover great non toxic skin and body care products, custom supplements and wonderful makeup shades for the ladies. Bioceutica’s cornerstone is their customized supplements, tailored to your body, based upon test results you send in after completing your Privatest.

Suzanne’s Look Better, Feel Better, Live Better Launch
WHEN Nov 11, 2017 2:00 PM Central Time

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap :
Or Telephone:
+1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 294 971 718

There will be a secondary call, you to hop on Facebook, from the comfort of home, Tuesday 11/14 at 7 pm (MST) for a Gratitude Giveaway-over $200 in giveaways!! I love this product line and Its short overview of the products so you can enjoy all those that interest you. I would so appreciate if you could check it out, win free goodies at the same time!! You will be glad you did! Please join in! ?

Stop Creating Negative Drama!

Walking onset every morning of your life to applause is great.  You take your bow for breathing that morning and smile for the happy adoring minions and life is good.  Perhaps those adoring crowds are filled with your beloved family members, your cat, dog or significant other or you enter the workplace a hero on that day.  All this is good drama.   But a lot of us self-sabotage by co-creating negative dramatics because we don’t even realize on a conscious level that we are doing this!  Welcome to your personal wake up call.  It’s here, right now and yes, you so please don’t hit snooze, but share to anyone you believe needs to hear this message today.  Pay the day forward in that kindness.

Creating negative drama is a learned behavior.  We learn from parents, from relatives and from cash-strapped friends growing up.  I remember being in my 20’s, working 5 and 6 jobs concurrently and always feeling the stress of paying the rent and whether there would be food to eat that week.  Whenever we live in a situation that causes us to logically truly really worry over things, this habit becomes formed of worry and of creating the drama over and over again.  The difference is that this drama can shift as we grow from oh, God, where’s my next meal coming from, to drama with other aspects such as our personal life and friends.  In other words, if we are not mindful, we can actively co-create drama where there need not be any at all.

We may devalue ourselves, our worth by choosing folks around us that bring us down, who don’t have our best interest in their heart.  We may become impulsive and purchase things that financially cause strain.  We may endanger ourselves with negative relationships by blindly trusting,  giving too much of ourselves away too soon to a stranger.  You may have had someone in your life that was very controlling, that you never pleased.  This can set the stage for you to personally feel at a very deep level that you are never enough.  And no matter who you had in your life that was positive, having a parent who you can never please is far more than a buzz kill; it can set you up with a lifelong disability.  I know from my own personal Mommy Dearest.

Rather than just be a walking statistic or think there is something intrinsically wrong with you, know that each of us is here for specific reasons and that whatever work you do in life, you are the only individual on the planet that can bring you to the task.  Do so with humbleness, awe and pride.  It matters not whether you are a writer, pick up trash, heal people or manage a project.  Give yourself to the task as only you can.  Do work that resonates with your soul, work that is in line with your ethics because otherwise, the job will kill you. Even a temporary job can align in some way with your long-term goals and ethics. not everything is forever but your soul is.

All of us are walking wounded in some way no matter who you encounter.  The goal is to be kind and mindful of this while honoring your own goals and value.  You can be kind without being a patsy. Never mistake kindness for weakness.  People do this all of the time.  It takes amazing strength to be kind, particularly in the face of cruelty, and I really believe this is what God meant when he said the meek shall inherit the earth.  Being kind does not, however, mean allowing anyone to trample over your personal boundaries.  You can step back and observe any situation and diplomatically address what works and what doesn’t for yourself.

Look for the re-runs on that show you just watched.  If you have a scene, somebody cheats on you or otherwise uses you, or you find yourself losing another job in a fairly short succession, you notice that stuff keeps playing out for you the same or similar? Ahem, then the common denominator is you.  You are co- creating the situation by setting the stage perfectly to have the very same negativity take place in your life.  This could be to fix a bad family dynamic, overcoming drug addiction, but it is a strong signal that you need to take a step back and work on you.  Get some self help and heal my friend.   There is no shame in being a bit tweaked, we all are.  The shame is in continuing to blame others and refuse to look in the mirror and make the necessary changes.  Now, you may say, ‘but the person at work went off the rails or my spouses always end up abusive and it’s not me, it’s them.  My friends always betray me so they are the ones to blame.’  Here is the rock bottom of this: YOU chose to have these people in your life.  If they are a parent, then you are choosing to continue that relationship, knowing full on well it is a toxic one.  People tell you who they are in the first 10 minutes…if you are really listening.  It’s true!

You cannot change the way someone else thinks, feels or acts, but you do have control over yourself, how you choose to think, feel and act. You can re-program your thinking any time you like because 30 days makes a new habit!  This is not about entitlement, being overly proud of who you are and what you deserve, it is about being real with yourself, your goals and honoring why you are here.  All of us deserve peace and support along our journey.  It can be so very easy to get down into the fray at times with negative people saying ugly things.  These are people who truly don’t deserve you, don’t deserve your time or your presence so make an exit away from high negative drama wherever you see it being repeated.  The world can be harsh so wherever feasible,  surround yourself with things and people and places which uplift you, bring joy and camaraderie and cater to calm.

Recommended books, just click on the hi-lite.d text for the link :  

Good Karma: How to Create the Causes of Happiness and Avoid the Causes of Suffering 

Choosing Peace: New Ways to Communicate to Reduce Stress, Create Connection, and Resolve Conflict (Mediate Your Life: A Guide to Removing Barriers to Communication Book 1)

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