Click the links below and note the coupon codes below in the detailed explanations for each device, to get an extra discount for shopping with me as you support a small woman-owned business!☻
Click Here for Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips Use Code PURE for discount!
Click Here for LED 660nm 850nm Infrared Red Light Pad
Click Here for Class 3b PBM/Laser 660nm 850nm USE Code PURE for discount!
Click Here for LumaSoothe Hand-held LED Therapy
Click Here for wearable graphene heated back/hip/stifle/leg braces which provide infrared therapy and 3 heat preferences. Use Code PURE for discount
Click Here for Vibration Plates, massage guns, eye, hand and back therapy Use Code PURE for discount
Click Here for PEMF Therapy
The wellness tools discussed here work on animals; which includes our four-legged kids and the two-leggeds (humans). We tend to have many of the same needs and treatments. These easy-to-use tools can be used when you and the dog are relaxed at home. Empower yourself to speed up the body’s healing responses in between professional therapy visits. Every animal should have regular massage therapy just as they should have regular checkups. While these tools do not replace either, they go a long way to speeding recovery after injury, surgery, strains, sprains, arthritis, and hip dysplasia. They should save you money on professional therapy visits as they will aid in swifter healing.
All vendors have agreed with me to offer stellar customer support and swift shipping. When your animal is in pain, you want swift shipping, not a long wait for a healing device to arrive. ♥
Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips were created by a veterinarian to empower pet parents at home when dealing with canine mobility issues. As they age, muscles can atrophy (sarcopenia) joints hurt and paw pads can become dry which makes traction harder. This product also aids those dogs who have lost a limb regain stability! When you are seeking massage and animal chiropractic care, this is a great addition to help your fur kid retain the alignment gained during therapy and reduce reinjury.
Cold Light Therapy – PBM PHOTOBIOMODULATION (Laser, LED)
While I have taken extensive training to do what I do, these are safe effective tools you can utilize to assist in between professional appointments that will speed healing and potentially shorten the professional treatment plan.
There is a misconception that laser classes indicate effectiveness for light therapy. The Class ratings are Hazard Classes defined by the FDA to indicate the level of danger potentially exposed to the user and patient. Both LED and Laser therapy tools are very bright and should never be pointed at the eyes or looked at directly. Both lasers and LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are capable of producing healing light at the correct wavelengths. However, LEDs provide more coverage than lasers and don’t require any eye protection. LEDs deliver light over a more broad area, but at lower power. Their greater area coverage allows the maximum number of cells to receive beneficial light stimulation, with a faster treatment time than lasers. Laser is a more concentrated, deeper focus, great for pinpointing one target area.
In my therapy practice, I use a mix of LED and Laser, pads and hand-helds. There are two light therapy handhelds I love and recommend:
LumaSoothe is a compelling veterinarian-recommended product to help with pain and healing. It is a polychromatic or multi-color LED. I loved this tool so much, I reached out to the company and received a special affiliation with them that provides my customers with swift shipping and great downstream customer service. I will also be available to provide tips and training on the devices purchased through my link so I ask kindly that you refrain from purchasing off Amazon. If you are in the Dallas area, I also stock these devices to help my clients and you may schedule with me to pick one up! Additionally, the LumaSoothe device comes with an additional treatment head for surface/surgical/soft tissues and a deep tissue/bone/ligament head. Therefore, The Best Bang For The Buck is the LumaSoothe. As I stated earlier, I like to mix LED and laser together, so if you have the cash, I would get the white Domer laser and the LumaSoothe. If you want one great tool and to save money, get the LumaSoothe. ♥☻♥
LumaSoothe On a cat With Stomatitis Before and after! My client was at their rope end trying to help a senior with a host of issues including severe and painful Stomatitis. Teeth had been removed, the painful disease continued. The cat had also been placed on a mix of herbal superfoods, Moringa and L-Lysine, an amino acid for the healing of soft tissues and an infection floral. Stomatitis was not responding favorably until PBM was introduced. The client worked with her vet but could not afford and did not want to put her cat through repeated laser therapy treatments at the clinic and opted to try placing the device on either side of the cat’s cheeks daily for a month.

Affiliate/Wholesale – Professionals in Practice: IF you are interested in marketing and helping your patients and clients in this way, you may inquire and set up an account using the following link: Click HERE To set up your Affiliate LumaSoothe account
Domer Laser – This is a tool I learned about during my CMFT training with Dr. Barbara. There are two flavors of this device, both are very well priced with an additional discount using my codes.
♥White Handheld device – use code: K9THERAPIST save $10. Great for humans and the 4 leggeds. It has 3 808nm laser diodes and 12 650nm laser diodes. Time settings go from 15-60 minutes depending upon the concerns and the company will email you protocols.
Light therapy provides accelerated tissue repair, accelerated cellular growth, encouraging the mitochondria, faster wound healing, chronic pain relief and improved nerve function, is anti-inflammatory. It comes with two treatment heads; one for deep tissue/tendon and one for topical/wound/post-surgical/hotspots healing.
Both LED and Laser helps to relieve pain from:
Hip Dysplasia
Bursitis & Tendonitis
Cervical & Lumbar Spine
Additionally, LumaSoothe comes with a second treatment head for topical issues such as:
Post-Surgical & Injury/Wounds
Topical Infections
Dermatitis, Hot Spots, Mange
Promotes Hair Regrowth
Photizo is another powerful handheld light device I also use in my practice. Photizo Vetcare is a hand-held, rechargeable, LED light therapy device for animals that provides a 30-second pre-programmed, effective dose of healing red and infrared light for the treatment of chronic pain and inflammatory conditions. The Photizo stimulates healing, relieves pain, reduces swelling and inflammation, calms muscle spasms, and effectively treats skin conditions, post-op areas, wounds, arthritis, tendonitis, muscle injuries, sprains, fractures, and more.
SMALL + LARGE ANIMALS: The Photizo Vetcare is effective at treating animals of all shapes and sizes. With the Photizo, you can effectively treat cats, dogs, rodents, horses, livestock, birds, and reptiles. Many animals find Photizo treatments extremely pleasant, and get excited as soon as the light comes out!
PEMF Tools:
OMI PEMF therapy. pulsed_magnetic_therapy-drug_free_healing_and_pain_relief_web.pdf (oxfordmedicals.com)
Many of my clients are familiar with an Assisi Loop, Centurion, and Beamer which are all very expensive or in the case of Assisi, not as full-spectrum and short-lived.
For those of you who don’t know about Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field devices, it harkens back to earthing or grounding, it acts as a battery charger for your cells. There’s an array of healing it offers, such as bone loss and muscle atrophy because it stimulates healing and repair at a cellular level. The waves created by PEMF devices occur in brief bursts which are very low-frequency, like the electromagnetic waves found in nature and most waves involved in PEMF treatments have a lower frequency than you would be exposed to during a thunderstorm. There are several devices out in the marketplace with frequency and duration being big differentiators in the healing. Really, the goal of this therapy is daily use.
Last year, I partnered with OMI, Oxford Medical, and have used their full-body mat since. For most folks, however, I would recommend saving some money and purchasing the OMI PEMF MINIMAT / Chair Mat – 24″ x 16″ Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy pad which is a great size! You can lay on it, throw it over you, good for small and large dogs etc. I use the large full body as I have clients, me and a dog typically on it at the same time. The full body is lovely and folds up nicely and is lightweight. There’s a lot of reading but they compete with Beamer, same frequency, and far less costly because it is not structured as an MLM. Assisi has a finite lifespan and a different wave pattern although it is a good veterinary tool. The biggest difference, other than price, between Beamer and OMI is that Beamer offers battery which is huge convenience out in the field. OMI is coming out with battery options as well so you may pre-order! And this means all plug-in units are on a significant sale! They offer Equine therapy as well. Right now, they are offering a free price!
Vibration Therapy, LED, Massage & Compression

In my Functional Med training, Hippocrates Health Institute schooled on the importance of rebounding. The lymphatic system doesn’t have it’s own pump, movement IS the pump! For those who see old 60’s films about health spas, where a belt was strapped around your middle and set to jiggle, vibration therapy really is a great thing and has come a very long way. What appeared to be a colossal waste of time turns out to be something, while archaic, good for you!
I utilize a vibration plate in my practice and equate it with rebounding on steroids. My FAVORITE machine, particularly for the fur kids as well, is the Vivid Pro shown in the photo above. The Vivid Pro has powerful vertical vibration, similar to the Power Plate but at a fraction of the cost! It has 3 settings and is gentle on the bones as it moves the lymph for a big detox on the body, aids with sarcopenia or muscle wasting/atrophy, brings fresh oxygenated blood to the entire body, stimulates the ATP, the mitochondria, and tones the whole system. 30 minutes working out on a vibration plate is equal to an hour working out without one. I typically have the dogs on a low setting for 5-10 minutes at a time to help them reduce pain, inflammation, detox, and gain stamina.
In addition to having this available during scheduled therapy sessions, this is something you and your pup can enjoy at home. Use PURE coupon code for additional savings!
I have partnered with LifeProFitness that is both reasonably priced and offers a great warranty and a sturdy machine.
I have clients who use vibration therapy at home for themselves and their dogs (and cats). ☻ Also check out the vibration balls, eye and hand massagers, LED Belt and Thrive X Compression Boots! Great for people with edema and leg cramps.