At the bottom of this article is a great informative little video. Check it out.
I have had some fairly interesting conversations with regards to detoxing. I absolutely mean no offense by this statement, however, I have found that sometimes the higher education in the field of Western Medicine a person has, the more they have to hurdle over to get to
People have asked me ‘Is this or that FDA approved’ as if the government cared one jot about them. The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is NOT in place to protect you and me, it is in place to protect big business. In fact, when this organization organized, it did so grandfather in 62,000 chemicals never testing any of them let alone testing how they operate together, how they react with each other, as they do in the wider world.
We continue being told, as family members get cancer, that the industrial pollution, the agent orange that took my brother off this plane of existence, the chemicals in the skincare that caused cancer in my mother, the glyphosate in the cornfield that killed a camera operator filming Indian Runner in a matter of days and the spot treatment of RoundUp in your garden are all perfectly safe. Whatever cool-aide they’re drinking, this is a lie.
The issue is that while yes, the body does indeed work to cleanse itself, it was never designed to handle this level of an onslaught. When our body doesn’t know what to do with a substance or cannot process it right now, it stores that toxin in our fat cells to deal with later. This is why people feel like they may have the flu, get headaches, feel overall achy when they go on a cleanse. The body uses any time we are fasting, resting or taking in high nutrition and minerals to help rid itself of toxic substances such as heavy metals, plastics, nicotine. Your Body is Detoxing between
The average person puts on 200 chemicals by
95% of all supplements on the market are bad. Talc is often added as a filler and is carcinogenic. They use lubricants to get the pills through the machines, flavoring, coloring agents which can fuel viruses, cause indigestion, contain toxins. Coating materials are beetle wings and petrochemicals.
At lunch with a client, they shared their beloved rose-scented facial spray turned out to have antifreeze in it. This is a high-end brand! I took my all organic Rose Hydrating spray out of my handbag and she enjoyed the refreshment and ordered a bottle. My neighbor has been using Mitchum deodorant when he suddenly realized it has aluminum in it. We were having tea this afternoon and I said, yes, that has been linked to neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s. He purchased a deodorant I sell right on the spot.
Laundry soap is one area that is our most earth polluting on the home front. I sell one that is 23% better than most soaps on the market, comes in an eco-friendly container and is price comparable, grown on the farm of the company I am Brand Partner for and is made entirely in-house.
If you are interested in taking a look at the products I sell, check out the shop buttons at the top of my webpage.
As an ecopreneur, I help get this message out there along with products that really help mitigate the pollution in our bodies. I coach on juicing, growing sprouts and on supplements and superfoods to help the body in minimizing its burden. I promote potent and powerful skincare that is highly effective while being clean enough to eat. If you are sitting there eating a fast food burger and feeling like you’re on overwhelm, take heart. Do one thing at a time. Nothing must be done in a day, but by doing something, by cleaning up your skincare and diet and gradually incorporating clean and green products you minimize the cruelty in animal testing, help save the planet and reduce pesticide use all while feeling far better.