Overemployed? Been there! My story also with some help to minimize your load

Time to chill, even for a minute is so important to be quiet and get in touch with you and with your inner peace and calm, or, let’s be honest, even your inner crazy.  The world of chores, business, expectations, take us literally up and away from so many delighter opportunities if we let that happen.

I was laid off after 26 years at my telecom company where I was a high functioning Project Manager over Implementation of large Voice and Data networks for strategic companies.  I loved my work, I loved most of my customers, I loved putting out fires and calming nerves, getting everybody to play nice in the sandbox.  I loved making it fun, business should always have some fun in it.  I especially loved pulling rabbits out of hats and numerous times making the near impossible actually happen for my customer.  But I did not enjoy the long hours at all.  I only rarely had times where I could take a break.  And my health suffered after 2 straight years of working 16+ hour days, 7 days a week, including every holiday too.  Ironically, even being so very sick as I was, I had too much work to stop and take sick leave so I kept on working, but gained a full appreciation for cutting it way down wherever that was possible and focusing way more on me time.

While I (thankfully) did not have someone standing over me demanding those hours out of me, as some of us do, I was, nevertheless ‘overemployed’ as I have named it.

It is a very tricky place to be.  So here is what I see, the nut of it.  If you work for a large corporation, as I did, they will use you up, just keep squeezing that tube of paste until it all comes out.  Regardless of how your direct manager feels about you, he can only protect you so long.  Once you hit 50 your days are numbered. You need a back up plan.  But way ahead of this, you need to spend some time on a daily/weekly basis, just focusing on yourself and personal items and pleasures. Getting in touch with who you are and finding your passions is paramount.  Many lead you to new revenue streams which diversify those eggs that may all be sitting in one corporate employer basket.  We go around once and our life should be about life and living not working for the man, no matter how rewarding it may be.

I was exemplary at my job, had perhaps 4 sick days since 2000, was a team player, got along with everybody, my customers loved me and although we had a health plan, I personally had not ever used anything other than dental cleaning twice annually, a few pairs of glasses and a checkup every 8-10 years.  That’s it.  Cheap!  When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I located a volunteer organization to shuttle her to most of her daily radiation appointments, thus maintaining my presence and my focus on work. When my brother was sick with Cancer I did a similar thing to remain focused on the workload.

My mother and brother are now dead and I was just laid off in February.  Nope, nothing is permanent, particularly our time with loved ones.

So what I am saying is that, no matter who you are, how young and vibrant you feel, how dedicated and loyal you are or how reasonably paid you are or how little you cost the company in healthcare etc, or how greatly motivated and stellar at working autonomously with little to no need for a manager to, well, manage you, your days are indeed numbered.  Most importantly, your time on earth is.  So why not stop, smell those flowers and get some me time in?

The issues is that so many of us find ourselves being paid for an 8 hour day but feel stuck doing way more because this has become an accepted expectation.  If a man beats his wife and his wife goes along with that, guess what?  That man now believes that beating his wife is accepted behaviour because that behaviour is being allowed when it should not be.  The beat down is still there, just in a different form.  Each one of us has our limits, our line in the sand.  I am asking that you find yours and then do what you can personally do to assure that line stops getting rubbed out.  Only you have the power to do this, to enforce your line.

Depending upon the company, I have seen folks mandated to work a set amount of non paid overtime hours.  I find even the idea of this expectation rude.  My husband works for such a company.  While they love him, and that’s all great, he is exceedingly over worked.  To my mind, we want to be productive at work, get the job done and well.  That stated, if we have a rare opportunity to cut out early one day out of the month then why the heck not do that?

For my personal situation, I had no help, I was knee deep in my clients kimchi, and was brilliantly stuck sideways doing the hours if I wanted to assure that what was on my plate didn’t blow up for my customer and, ultimately me.  To stop work would mean failure and nobody was going to ultimately realize the truth of it, that it was enough work for 3 people so 3 should have been hired.  No, rather, it would have become a black eye for me.

I know a lot of you are in this camp, on this mission, paddling this same boat. While we may rarely feel like it, in these moments, I am telling you right now that we are in control of our choices.  If enough of us scale our work back, we win more personal time in our day.  Frankly, if we are doing the job of 2 people, another person should be hired and that is a mismanagement issue not an underachieving employee one.  For each employee who routinely works a 12 or 16 hour day, that is the same as taking one full time job away from someone who needs work.

Work to life balance has been a buzzword for years.  But so much of what I see is just the words spoken with no real meat of intention behind them.  I see open door policies that really aren’t open at all, because they are not really open for change.  I once reported  (anonymous) an issue to our ethics hotline.  They were zero help, they told me to contact HR.  HR was zero help, they wanted me to discuss the concern with my director and offered to set a meeting up.  I was also advised that I should go back to my manager even though the concern wasn’t about me, not even about a member of my direct team and was not about anybody that rolled up under my new director.  It was about policy being flagrantly ignored that could lead to a lawsuit!  Two people that I knew of  had been recently denied their bereavement time.  My suggestion to HR,  was for the company to send out a refresher to all management on policies.  Don’t single anybody out, just mandate that all managers refresh themselves on the policies in place and then refresh their teams too.  Everybody on the same level playing field knowing what the rules are.  Those in violation of said rules would be educated and further transgressions minimized but this refresher would absolutely open a logical door up to single those folks out the next time they denied their staff bereavement or comp time etc.

Sometimes you are purely in a situation where, regardless of intentions, you are not going to fix what is broken.  You are, however, always in control of how you think, feel and act.  I will always look out for justice being done to people and animals but for those individuals, my advise was to brush up their resume’s and move on because nobody cared to listen.

If you feel stuck, just look for ways to create space in your day for you, even if it is just a ten minute break with a cup of tea and a book.  Scheduling times you check email and times you do other work really helps too.  We don’t have to be engaged in email all day long.   Pick and choose your battles, what must happen today and what could wait until tomorrow, so that you can locate some kind of stopping point for your day and finally rest.  Feed yourself healthy food, drink water, get up from your desk and move around every few hours. Deep leg thrombosis IS a thing and it can kill.

When all is said and done, you take yourself with you wherever you go, so it is vital that you and your health come first. Whatever company you work for, I can pretty much guarantee the corp is putting itself first.  Copy that and put yourself as priority #1!  If you have poor management, where things are broken and nobody cares to fix that, don’t stress over it.  Bring it up the once.  If you don’t gain an ear take that as your clue to move on. Try not to take it personally if you get no place with some advise.  Be thankful for the paycheck and do your best but get your resume updated and out the door as you continue to still work there.  Try hard not to put yourself in a situation where you may end up bitter.  If you are going to be bitter at working 12+ hour days, then just don’t do it.  Leave instead if you must. Our lives are insane enough without adding bitter to the flavor.  And be patient, things can take time, but persevere.  Take a long look at your skills and how those translate to other opportunities.  Sometimes we feel stuck when really, we only need to look at ourselves (and our situation) with fresh eyes.

Om – Stressing? Let’s calm that right down

Breath work and being in the present is so amazing for calming right down whenever stress strikes.  I’ve been doing yoga now for 15 years and love it.  Doing Vinyasa Flow (there are many yoga options) taught me how to breath deeply, expanding the lungs, which is great for longevity and aging but also how to control my breath and I learned breathing techniques.  Doing yoga truly is a moving meditation and helps one tie in the mind, the body and the spirit.  For this reason, I feel Yoga is the best form of exercise out there and should certainly be incorporated into whatever other work out you engage in on a weekly basis.

Regarding meditation, here are a couple of videos on both the breath and meditation.  Try taking a break for a minute to watch just one.

– check out this 13 minute Ted talk

And for the breath, if you feel that RIGHT NOW you really just need to BREATHE –  close your eyes and breathe through a short 10 minute meditation from a Vipassana meditation teacher






Skincare – What to Avoid

The painful truth is that the money machine is not set up to protect us.  The government doesn’t protect us.  Big pharma and Big business mostly is after our wallet and they don’t typically care about the environment, the planet or toxins unless they are an all organic green company.  In my Hippocrates training recently I learned that after the wartime in the 50’s companies had created toxic chemicals to kill our adversary that was later used on our crops to kill bugs.  And we didn’t even realize then what the substances actually did, how they really worked!

All this stated, we know men are mostly wash and wear while most women apply at least 8 different products on their face every morning.  But either way you go, we all have skin in the game.  Yeah, I couldn’t really resist saying that.  We must all be mindful of what we apply on and in our bodies.  Everything we apply topically sinks into our body.  Just seeing a pain patch do its magic is eye opening as to exactly how swiftly the product is absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

Everybody is busy and just trying to get through another hectic day as swiftly as they can, right?  This is why I post this stuff, to help us all avoid toxins while learning what we all can do, to live a greener and cleaner (and far healthier) life.

Avoid anything with ‘eth’ in the name, such as Sodium Laureth Sulphate, ceteareth or oleth.  Propylene Glycol, the main ingredient in antifreeze, is even in food and is especially prolific in cosmetic and skincare!  Avoid it is you see the words PEG or Polyethylene glycol, DEA, TEA Lauryl Sulfate, MEA, Pareabens, Formaldehyde, Triclosan.

And things can get tricky when stuff sounds natural, sounds pleasant and nice but isn’t, such as Japanese Honeysuckle Extract or what about fragrance?  That doesn’t sound bad but yes, that is too.  Just the word ‘fragrance’ can really mean that up to 400 separate ingredients (and chemicals) went into that product.  This can include toluene, phthalates, which can cause liver and kidney damage, harm a fetus, and disrupt the endocrine system amongst other things.

Buy products that state they are certified organic from companies you know and trust.  On that topic, know that one of the best things sbout Miessence, other than the fact it is a carbon neutral company that has gone through the necessary steps to be certified 100% food grade organic with no chemicals, is that the products are made fresh from the factory and shipped directly to you.  Unless you are very motivated to make your own skincare products in your kitchen, this is one of the rare lines where you can get the absolute freshest most pure and potent product for your gorgeous skin!

Smile and stay pretty!





HAIL SEITAN! Preparing Seitan at home is not the devils work I thought it might be.

So I said to my husband Michael, hey, wouldn’t be fab humour to put the words ‘Hail Seitan’ on a T-shirt.  Then I saw it was already done.  What was not yet done was my happy hands in the kitchen preparing Seitan from scratch as opposed to locating it in a dish at a restaurant.  Having done it, it is fairly simple.

I picked up some Bob’s Red Mill, Vital Wheat Gluten, which is organic I am told.  For those of you, like me, who had no clue what this really is or how to make it, it is a great, flexible wheat gluten substitute for meat.  Gluten is made from the endosperm of the wheat berry and when mixed with water, it becomes this malleable, elastic food substance.   Included on the back of the package of this stuff are two recipes, one for Honey Oatmeal Bread, which I may try at some point, but primarily for this article, there is a great basic seitan recipe.  You can also google for fun. But just buying this product and following the instructions on the back make it a breeze for first timers.  I will say that for the broth recipe, rather than water, I did it with veggie stock.  There is also a delicious organic veggie mushroom stock, which is harder to locate. Mmmmmmmm!  That stuff is great in like everything.

2 c Bob’s Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten
1/2 Tsp Sage
1 Tsp Marjoram
1 Tsp Onion Powder
1 Tsp Garlic Powder
2 Cups water

6 cups Organic Veggie Stock, try the mushroom one or you can use just plain (purified) water.
2 Tbsp Molasses
2 Tbsp Soy Sauce

You boil the broth and while that is getting ready to boil,   mix the gluten flour and spice3s, add the water in and stir into a spongey dough. Knead the dough a minutes to make it come together and become more elastic.  Next cut it into 2″x2″ pieces and place this into your boiling broth.

Cook your gluten in the broth for about 1 hour and lower the heat as needed.  Drain and use seitan in stir-fry, sandwiches, stews, etc.

And since I am just beginning here with Seitan, if anybody has another fantastic recipe they’d like to share, feel free!
Happy healthy eating!


Your Body Healthy – Acidic vs Alkaline

Eternal health and happiness begins in the gut. The heart has a few words to stand up and say about what I just typed, but frankly, if your gut isn’t happy, everything else in your life becomes secondary.

Most of us were raised in homes with busy and well meaning parents who did not understand proper medicine.  Food is medicine.  Food is also poison if we are eating the wrong stuff.  The foods we Americans eat on the SAD (Standard American Diet), is acidic in our bodies.  For optimum health and to eschew cancer and other bad mojo diseases, we must create an alkaline environment inside our Temple.

Examples of acid foods would be meat, poultry, milk, cheese, packaged foods, bread, pasta, pastries, soft drinks, most snack foods.

Vegetables, plants, sprouts, sea weeds and fresh water algae are highly alkalizing.  Veggies neutralize toxic acids in our blood and tissues. Chlorella, blue-green algae (From Klamath Lake is the best source) helps chelate and pull heavy metals from the body.

Try not overcooking your food.  Cooking it destroys the natural enzymes which are life giving!  Heating above 118 kills off the enzymes.  Shoot for an 80/20 diet where 80% of your food intake is alkalizing foods, preferably raw.

Work toward weaning yourself off over processed foods.  Avoid: Excess alcohol, caffeine, salt and sugar, especially avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

I recently began growing my own sprouts and wheat-grass which I am very excited about! Part of my work as a Holistic Health Consultant is to assist clients with ways to optimize their health and growing things in your kitchen are a terrific start.  All this stated, I realize not everybody knows how to get started or may have the time to do this, particularly a challenge for people who travel a lot or work very long hours as I did for the last 15 years.

If overwork and travel put you in a time famine, look for ways to mind your diet by eating the least processed most raw menu items and supplement with a body tonic!  Miessence has a few body tonics to explore that you can check out on my website: DeepGreen which you add to water or juice to alkalize the body.  Berry Radical is an antioxidant Superfood and InLiven is a gluten free 13 strain Probiotic you can mix into a smoothie or juice.

Look for products which are raw, freeze dried and cold pressed so that you are ingesting quality ingredients to maintain the maximum benefits for yourself, not just the company you purchase from.

All the very best in health!


Miessence Organic Skincare & Business Opportunity!

Hi.  After 26 years as a Project Manager in Telecommunications, I am now an independent rep and proudly sell Miessence Organic Skincare.  Skin is our largest organ, a living breathing example of our shining health…or issues on display.  But what many don’t yet know is that at least 60% of what you apply on it, be it natural or chemical, absorbs right in!  With chemicals and hormone disruptors everywhere we look, it becomes critical that we be mindful not only what goes into the body to nourish us, but also what we apply on top of it to cleans, tone and moisturize or block the UVA/UVB rays of the sun.

Miessence offers great bio-available tonics, enzymatic house hold cleaning products, deodorant and heavenly body/skincare products.  I love the smell, that fresh plant based aroma in every product I use.    You can of course go to my website and shop to try and enjoy the health and beautifying products but you can also join, its free, and on two levels; one to just get a discount yourself to buy the products or to buy the products for yourself and also promote them as I do.

We all must be more mindful of of the planet we share and how we can personally have a positive impact.  The way we live today isnt sustainable.  I am trying to change the world by how I shop, what I do and don’t buy.  Recently someone told me how the world will never change but think of the power in our spending!  Corporations rise, operate or fail by what we buy.  Spending is an ultimate power.  We make this choice daily, each time we buy only local organic produce, buy only organic humanely raised meats and eggs, etc.

Let’s change the world together!




So whether you are Vegan, or Vegetarian for health, to save the planet or call yourself a carnivore, there is something in my blog for you!  My husband is a master chef and devout meat eater.  Rather than cut meat completely and make my husband very sad, we are cutting meat to 2 times a week.  When we do buy meat, we make sure it is organic and humanely raised (research the vendor).  In this way, I feel it is more sustainable.  To put it frankly, the standard American diet (SAD) is absolutely not sustainable nor is it healthy.  If you’ve not watched it already, check out Food Inc.  With greed now running the food industry, mostly gone are the days where agribusiness cares for we the people, cares for its livestock, rotates crops, rests the soil and farms and raises animals in a humane and organic way.   That stated, it becomes important for us to do our due diligence to see whom we are supporting with our hard earned cash.

As I do a deeper dive into what we are eating and ways to live healthier, I will post little gems I uncover.  If you are already vegan or lacto vegetarian, terrific!  But for those who do still eat meat, please try to reduce your meat intake to only 2 days a week and branch out, get creative on ways to better nourish yourself and your family and friends!

2 slices Branola bread
1 can Olives chopped  (You can get at least 2 sandwiches out of 1 can of the olives.)
Mayo or Vegan style Mayo and mix into the olives to create a spread
top with shredded cheese or vegan cheese
Top with a bunch of sprouts of your choice
Top the sprouts with a sprinkle of vegan bacon bits.


You have to dig olives to eat this.  That stated, I love them and I buy the pre chopped can of black olives as a time saver.  Those little guys rolling around on the cutting board get tricky.  I use Orowheat Branola Bread for my sandwich.  The flavor works well.  I also like Tillamook Extra Sharp Cheddar cheese but you can do a vegan cheese etc, as noted above.


The Body Burden – Learning Raw with the Hippocrates Life Transformation Program

Much has changed for me the last few weeks.  I was laid off at my Corporate job after 26 years.  I went from primary breadwinner to what my husband lovingly calls a sloth.  I have always had a passion for health, for eating organically with a focus on a plant based diet.  But where was the time to learn more, delve deeper?  After 12+ hour days for so long, it is quite freeing to be unemployed.

In my Hippocrates training, it was stated that ‘Peoples diagnosis become a signal for change in their life.’  Think about it, so true.  Cancer sucks, but it sure is a motivator for change!  Any serious illness is.  And…so is being laid off at a place you’d planned on retiring from!  We want to cast off the old ways and look upon the world around us with fresh eyes.  That is what this blog is all about.

Wherever you are right now and whatever it is you feel, let’s look together at small incremental changes and large ones too, where you can effect a positive change in yourself and others.




Green Juice Recipe For Detox & Rejuvenation!

So, our world we live in is so damaged and, consequently, so are we.  The air we breath, the water we drink and the food we typically buy(if not organic) is filled with pesticides and other contaminates.
 Each one of us carries what is known as a body burden, which is the storage of toxins that each of us personally carries.  These toxins, stored in our fat as our body’s attempt at protection from harmful things it cannot process, eventually wreak havoc.
I lost my dad, my mother and my brother to cancer.  My other brother and cousin are currently sick with cancer.  Prior to her death, mother stated cancer was after the family, taking us all out.  But i know that while each of us carries cancer, carries some mutated cells, our bodies have the ability to fight, given the tools.
90-95% of cancer is from what you are exposed to.  The remaining 5-10% is genetic.  This means we can win this if we treat our miracle machine right.
The green drink pictured above is 1 cucumber, a small chunk of ginger to taste, half a bunch of celery and a cup or so of sunflower sprouts.  I also add in a cup of pea sprouts too,  but I didn’t have any on hand today.   You can add lemon, or cilantro,  and leave out the ginger, play around a bit with it, perhaps adding Turmeric instead.   I use Turmeric alot, for its magnificent anti-inflammatory properties, which are magnified with black pepper by the way.   See my other blog post on the iPlant sprouter review and I’ve included a link to purchase if interested.  I grow my own sprouts.  Eating as much as I do of them, it’s the best and freshest way as well as the most variety.  There is also another blog on the Angel Juicer I own and love. Celery is high in beneficial enzymes and helps the body regulate its alkalinity, helping to protect against an acidic body.  Cancer doesn’t thrive in an alkaline environment.  Cucumber is high in chlorophyll, copper and calcium and sunflower sprouts are high in zinc and B vitamins and are beneficial to the nervous system.
You want to drink the juice down within 15 minutes of juicing.  This is to avoid oxidisation which robs vital minerals and vitamins.  Think of a freshly cut apple turning brown or a car rusting out.  Oxidisation is the interaction of oxygen molecules and whatever substances they make contact with, from metal to living tissue.  We want to avoid it on our cars, our food, our person.
Many folks eat processed foods, pastries, coffee in the morning when our bodies were designed to detox nightly.  From between about 10pm and 11am, your body is trying its level best to detox.  A great example of this is my sister in law who smokes.  In the morning, upon arising (and only then) she coughs up phlegm.  Her lungs sound healthy but they are trying to detox before she smokes again.  If you tune into your body the first few hours you are up, you can tell what areas are taking on the worst of the pollution in your environment.  Your nose may run (me) or you lungs may be trying to purge.  A neti pot is great to help detox the sinuses and there’s a post on that too!
So the thing here is that you want to honour the body’s level of efforts here by supporting it with a healthy detoxing green drink in the morning.  2 a day, one a couple hours before bedtime, is awesome!
Your skin will be cleaner, clearer as well as your whole body!

Wheat Grass – How To Grow The Best

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WheatGrass ShotIMG_1591

Loved it, hated it?  My husband is really fine with the flavor.  Me?  Gag, not so much. Even with these adorable skull glasses, I am still nonplussed with the flavor.  No, I realize how freaking healthy it is to do, how the mineral content can even change gray hair back to your natural colour, so I force myself to shoot it down.  Because it is so detoxing and works quickly, some people can feel a bit nauseated after a shot of the magic green.  I feel fine after getting it down….it’s the getting it down I struggle personally with.  With my Hippocrates Training I learned a few secrets lately to help get the best mineral and vitamin content as well as the best (ahem) flavor.

Growing your own wheat grass is going to be, by far, the least cost and the freshest.  One way is with organic soil in a 10×10 Tray with 1 cup of wheat grass and about 1/2 inch of soil.  After 3 days of soaking and rinsing them, it take about 7 days for the grass to be ready.  If you go this route, with soil, you will find that most of it gets absorbed by the plant so its really not as messy a process as what I was initially envisioning when I decided to go hydroponic.

I use the Prodyne appetizer tray to grow my Wheat Grass.  This system can also be used for Mung beans and Sunflower sprouts.  For the mineral content, I use SeaCal fertilizer in my water mixture as I am not using any soil.  You should get about 4-6 shots out of this method depending upon how much wheat grass seed you lay down. This may mean that you, as I did, purchase 3 or 4 appetizer trays so you always have a rotation going.  You will have the best results using just one layer so I began using 2 cups, per tray, but now I have less yield, less dense but better overall results with 1 or 1.5 cups of seed.  NEVER place ANY sprouts you are doing in direct sunlight.  For Wheat Grass, it will turn bitter and that absolutely isn’t good for anybody (Think bitter beer face).

Instructions as follows:

Step 1 – Germinating the seeds
Day 1 Rinse seeds and place in container, cover with 3xH20 and soak 12 hours.
Day 2 Drain and rinse and soak another 12 hours.
Day 3 Drain rinse and soak a third time 12 hours.
The seeds expand which helps germination, hastening sprouting and minimizing mold.
Day 4 Drain and rinse a final time.

Step 2 – Line the bottom of your tray with paper towels (you can cut them to size) This helps to keep them from falling through the tray vent holes.
Step 3 – Lay down your layer of soaked seeds.
Step 4 – Fill the appetizer dish with water
Step 5 – Spray them morning and evening with water.  I like to add a 1/4 tsp of baking soda which helps inhibit mold.  If you do end up with a bit of mold on the root system, that can be rinsed off.  You are cutting above the root line anyway.

I like to add just a bit of water to my appetizer tray at the beginning, then toss it and renew with the vitamin water (adding the SeaCal)

In a few days, you will see a green blade appearing.  In about 7 days (after placing in the tray) you should see the joint or where there is the very beginning of a new leaf coming up after the first original blade.  NOW is time to harvest, the grass is at its peak.

So the key things are 1) Never direct sunlight.  Your kitchen counter is perfect. 2) Spray 2x a day 3)You want it to be the very freshest which means growing it yourself is best and finally 4) Harvest at the beginning of the joint, once you see that 2nd blade begin to pop up, harvest the entire tray!  Keep it in a bag in the fridge, keeps for a week or get a green grow bag for nearly double the life.

Let me know please if I can help answer any questions too.  When I first began this journey I had a plethora of them and am still learning as I go along.  Cheers!