A Glass of Chianti, Sprout Salad and Fava Beans; When Hanibal Goes Vegan.

Who hasn’t seen the film?  It left me wondering, for decades, one thing; what do Fava Beans taste like?  And yet I could never find them.  Flash forward, I did, and they are delicious in many recipes.

Mmmmm Fava Beans! I bought cans of them, and dried beans for planting too.  Recently,  when tending my garden, a couple leaves broke off, well, I had to try them while brief thoughts of ‘ are the poisonous’ crossed my mind. These thoughts were quickly allayed by the tender buttery taste of these delightful top leaves. Yes, I’ll be back for more. And here’s a recipe using the leaves, as I found myself still alive and feeling strong enough to google search.  I plan to use the leaves in salad primarily because cooking (above 118)  removes nutrients and active enzymes from the food.

Fava Beans can be a real challenge to find. so below in the coloured ink is an amazon link for the Fava’s.

I am very excited to finally be growing them and enjoying them in many dishes.  I’m doing a hummus next!

